Friday, March 07, 2008

Where's my paranoia?

I'm waiting for the unhealthy sense of paranoia to set in, as we sample from the buffet of diseases on almost weekly basis. So many things can go wrong, in so many horrible ways. Abdominal pain, since we're doing the GI module, can be so many things, from indigestion to pancreatic cancer. So far, I haven't worried my head of about any aches and pains. Exams are the biggest thing to worry about right now. The other reason is probably that everything is still in a very theoretical stage for us--that's how the first two years are: bookwork and exams. Once we start seeing patients in hospital settings, manifesting the symptoms we learned about, things will become more real, so to speak.

So paranoia is on a back burner. Black Sabbath had theirs in 1970; I'll have mine in 2010, perhaps. Let's hope that RIAA doesn't get too upset about this image.

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